Speeds Healing

Earthing has been shown to accelerate wound healing and speed up recovery from surgical procedures. This is more than likely due to powerfully reducing inflammation which then allows the body to heal and repair naturally. If you are considering undergoing a surgical procedure for back, knees, hips, etc., we strongly recommend that you sleep grounded during the night and get as much Earthing during the day, either by sitting with your bare feet on the Earth or using an indoor Earthing Mat. This may benefit your healing process and allow you to get back to your daily routine, work and life much quicker.
Below show photographic images of accelerated improvement of an eight month old non-healing open wound suffered by an eighty four year old diabetic woman. The first photo shows the open wound and a pale grey hue to the skin. The middle photo, taken after one week, shows a marked level of healing and improvement in circulation, as indicated by the colour of skin colour. The last picture, taken after two weeks, shows the wound healed over and the skin colour looking dramatically healthier. Treatment consisted of a daily thirty-minute grounding session with an indoor earthing patch close to the wound.
See full report in the Earthing Book – Thermal & Photographic Images of the Effects of Earthing.
For further information see story from Earthing Institute "Fast Track Healing" - Integrated Post - Surgical and Injury Rehab in "Half the Time" by clicking here. |
I’ve had two knee replacements and I’ve been in so much pain from my hips down to my feet that I take 4 to 6 painkillers a day. I’ve been using my Earthing Sheet for a few days and my pain has cut right down. The pain is liveable now. I don’t need to take all those pain killers anymore. I told my Doctor about this improvement and he looked at me as though I was mad, but he did notice that I’m walking better.
I’ve just placed another order so I can take a half sheet with me during my trip to New Zealand.
Jeanette, 75, Western Australia.
Heal Quicker With Our Popular Starter Packs!
The popular starter packs features a money-saving combination of the most popular Earthing Products and everything you need to start Earthing immediately. Choose from an Earthing Leatherette Sleep Mat or Silver Plush pad (which every suits your needs best) to use on your bed to sleep grounded. An Earthing Universal Mat for use elsewhere in your home or office while you work or relax. All relevant connections and testing equipment so that you know your products are conductive and working as well as the Earthing Book, Grounded DVD and Earthing Audio Book MP3 CD to fill you in on all the stories, research, science and evidence behind Earthing.
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