Sports Recovery

Undoubtedly after engaging in more physical activity than your body is used to, you may have experienced delayed onset muscle soreness. This form of misery is called DOMS for short and is a well-known consequence of excessive, unfamiliar or intensive exercise movements. Plain and simple it means your muscles are overdoing it!
There is no known treatment that reduces the recovery time frame, but massage, hydrotherapy, and acupuncture have a reputation for reducing the pain. DOMS involves acute inflammation in the overtaxed muscles and develops in twenty-four to forty-eight hours and can persist for well over ninety-six hours and make life and training painful.
A study was set up using DOMS as a model to test the impact of Earthing on acute inflammation on eight healthy males aged between twenty to twenty three years of age. Some of the results concluded that the grounded group of males experienced a slight decrease in the white blood cell response, indicating almost no inflammation and for the first time every documented, a shorter recovery time. This study was published in the 2010 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and you can read the full report by clicking here.
For an athlete this is big news as Earthing after exercise may benefit you be experiencing less pain and that allows you to train more consistently and recover faster. That’s a huge deal because consistent training is so important to success.
This is also great news for a non-athletic person, someone that only exerts intensive exercise every now again, such as getting stuck into the garden, spring cleaning or going back to the gym, etc., as Earthing may help with less pain and a speedier recovery, so you can carry on the next day without painful interruption and making those hard tasks more pleasant.

My observations and feedback enable me to say, without any reservation, that Earthing is an indispensable healing and recovery tool, something even beyond significant, for any treatment or recovery regimen as it relates to injury, surgery, and maximum athletic performance. I tell my people to sleep grounded at night and ground themselves during the day as much as they can.
Dr Jeff Spencer team doctor on 7 Tour de France Champion teams

Read The full report from Dr Jeff Spencer by clicking here
Recover Quicker With Our Popular Starter Packs!
The popular starter packs features a money-saving combination of the most popular Earthing Products and everything you need to start Earthing immediately. Choose from an Earthing Leatherette Sleep Mat or Silver Plush pad (which every suits your needs best) to use on your bed to sleep grounded. An Earthing Universal Mat for use elsewhere in your home or office while you work or relax. All relevant connections and testing equipment so that you know your products are conductive and working as well as the Earthing Book, Grounded DVD and Earthing Audio Book MP3 CD to fill you in on all the stories, research, science and evidence behind Earthing.
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