Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Your Guarantees?1. We guarantee 100% that you will be receiving the original and best quality Earthing™ Products designed by Clint Ober, USA. 2. We guarantee 100% that our indoor Earthing™ products will Earth/Ground you. 3. We guarantee that you can try Indoor Earthing Products (excludes footwear and complementary products) in the comfort of your home for 90 days and if you are not happy with the results can return for a full refund. |
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Earthing products connect you to the earth's electrons through the grounded port of your three prong outlet (Power Point) or via a Ground Rod.
How Do I Wash My Sheets?
Can I Use an Electric Blanket under the Sheet?
Do I Have The Power ON of OFF when connecting through a Power Outlet?
How Do I Know If My Products Are Working?
How Do I Connect My Products" |
Not at all. Humans have walked barefoot on the Earth, and sat and slept on conductive skins since time immemorial, thus absorbing into their bodies the Earth’s natural electric energy. During the late 1880s, a back-to-Nature movement in Germany featured walking barefoot and sleeping on the Earth for which many positive health benefits were claimed. Modern research on Earthing (also called grounding) is much more recent. Ongoing research led to a demand for the development of conductive sheets, mats, bands, and patches for use indoors that are the equivalent of being barefoot outdoors.
What is most profound about Earthing (grounding) is that it is so natural and simple, and that it affects every aspect of human physiology. When you ground yourself, your body readjusts to a new and natural level of functioning that it seems to have been designed for throughout evolution. Many people who have lived grounded for some years say that they do not want to go back to living ungrounded. They feel the difference. Earthing broadly elevates your quality of life to a level that seems not otherwise possible.
James Oschman, Ph.D., an internationally-renowned expert on energy medicine and a member of our board of advisors, describes the phenomenon thusly: “Recently I attended a meeting on the East coast. One of my colleagues came in from the West coast. She had a bad case of jet lag. I told her to take her shoes and socks off and step outside on the grass for 15 minutes. When she came back in, she was completely transformed. Her jet lag was gone. That is how fast Earthing works. Anyone can try this. If you don’t feel well, for whatever reason, just make barefoot contact with the Earth for a few minutes and see what happens. Of course, if you have a medical problem, you should see a doctor. There is nothing that comes close to Earthing for quick relief. You can literally feel pain draining from your body the instant you touch the Earth.”
The body is mostly water and minerals. It is a good conductor of electricity (electrons). The free electrons on the surface of the Earth are easily transferred to the human body as long as there is direct contact. Unfortunately, synthetically-soled shoes act as insulators so that even when we are outside we do not connect with the Earth’s electric field. When we are in homes and office buildings, we are also insulated and unable to receive the Earth’s balancing energies.
What is the difference between the Earth’s electric field and the electric field used to conduct electricity in my home?
The Earth’s electric field is mainly a continuous direct current (DC) producing field. Throughout history, life on the planet has attuned our biology to this subtle field. By comparison, home wiring systems in the U.S. use 60-cycle per second alternating current (AC) and in other parts of the world 50-cycle current is common. Unless at very low frequency (less than 10 cycles per second) and/or low power, alternating current is foreign to our biology. AC, and other forms of man-made environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs). are being researched as possible factors in a variety of stress-related responses. Many people are sensitive to EMFs. Studies show an “association,” but not cause and effect, to some health issues.
How much “current” is actually being transferred from the Earth’s surface via the wire to a grounding product?
There is no constant measurable current flow beyond the equalization charge that is instantly transferred to the body when a person makes bare skin contact with some type of Earthing product. We are talking about numbers of electrons in the trillions and quadrillions. Once the body is grounded, the rate of influx changes, and the body will only absorb that amount of electrons needed to maintain the same electrical potential as the Earth and to restore what is lost in the body’s metabolic processes. It may take many quadrillions to get the body stable. As long as a person continues to be grounded, the body can use the Earth as a natural reservoir, or “power source,” from which to draw electrons to maintain a “topped up” homeostatic level that compensates for any attrition of internal electrons. In contact with the Earth, it would seem hard for the body to develop an electron deficiency, and, theoretically, chronic inflammation. The continuing amount of electrons absorbed by the body to reduce metabolic and immune response free radicals would also vary significantly between people depending upon their life style and activity. This is all extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure.electrostatic charge that has built up on the body. The continuing amount of electrons absorbed by the body to reduce metabolic and immune response free radicals would also vary significantly between people depending upon their life style and activity. This is all extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure.
We recommend you have a conversation with your doctor first. He or she may not know anything about Earthing. Earthing makes the physiology function more efficiently, and this improvement has the potential to affect medication dosages. We know that Earthing has a blood thinning effect, and may improve thyroid function, blood sugar, and blood pressure, and thus the dosages of medication may need to be closely monitored and adjusted. However, such interactions have not been measured in studies. For that reason, we strongly advise informing your doctor and following his or her guidance. Please read our report on Earthing and medication.
Do I have to be concerned about being hit by lightning during a thunderstorm if I am grounded in my home?
Lightning is a massive natural phenomenon that is unpredictable and challenging to totally protect against. It is poorly understood. Homes are rarely hit by lightning. When this happens, the lightning usually takes the path of least resistance to the ground, such as large conductive systems like the plumbing pipes, electrical wiring network, or telephone and cable TV lines, all of which are directly grounded to the Earth.
The U.S. National Safety Council reports that your odds of dying from a lightning strike during a lifetime is 1 in 126,158, and the least probable event in a list of multiple causes for death including heart disease and cancer (1:7), assault by a firearm (1:106), and automobile accidents (1:108).This information suggests that being hit by lightning is rather unlikely. However, follow standard lightning safety guidelines as directed by the U.S. National Weather Service or the weather authorities in your country if you live in a lightning-prone area. Disconnect your Earthing device and don’t use it during lightning and thunderstorms.
Could there be anything detrimental from the level of ground currents in an urban setting because of high use of electrical grids? Do we have to worry about the electrical fields around us and their impact on the body?
For a detailed answer to the question, read the Earthing Institute statement on Understanding Earthing (grounding)
In brief, there is a big misconception regarding ground currents. Some people believe that the electricity that goes from the power plant to your house, lights your light bulb and appliances, and then goes out the other side of the wiring (neutral) into the Earth and returns back to the power company. That’s not true. The alternating current electricity that powers your home and office actually doesn’t go anywhere, and certainly not into the ground.
Ground currents are generated primarily by geophysical events, like lightning and when the sun shines on the Earth. These events naturally electrify the Earth with a subtle ground current called DC (direct current).
Please keep in mind that the Earth is infinitely large. When you make direct physical contact with the Earth, such as by being barefoot outside or sleeping on a conductive sheet inside that is connected to the ground, you and the Earth become one, electrically speaking. You are conductive and you become an extension of the Earth natural, gentle electrical energy field called “ground” or “earth.” This field provides electrical stability worldwide for our grid systems and everything electrical in our homes, businesses, and industry. It also provides stability and health benefits for the body, as Earthing research and experience shows.
We live in an infinite sea of human-generated electromagnetic frequencies ranging from airplane communications to garage door openers to cell phones and radio stations. They are all around us. When you are insulated from the Earth, that is, ungrounded, all these frequencies can perturb the electrons of your body and interfere with normal electron transfer activity going on in the body. When you are connected to the Earth, you are at one with the Earth and have an infinite supply of electrons. The man-made environmental frequencies can’t perturb the Earth…or, by extension, you. So you reduce the perturbation of your own cells by connecting your body to the Earth.
If you are not grounded, it is a good idea to reduce your exposure to these kinds of frequencies. Clear out unnecessary electrical devices and cords around you, especially in the bedroom. Some people go to the extreme and turn off the power in their homes. That’s well and good, but not practical. The key is to identify and reduce the exposure. If you aren’t grounded, at least de-electrify your bedroom.
There are very few areas where being in direct contact with the Earth is not recommended. One is adjacent to tracks of trains powered by electricity. Electrified rails and overhead power lines can create a sizeable current in the immediate ground, enough to perhaps cause a shock if barefooted. Another example is immediately adjacent to an electrical power station. Stay away from these electrical “hot spots.” There can be sizeable currents induced underneath and around them.
The protective potential of Earthing has not been tested yet on cell phone exposure. There is no research indicating that Earthing will or will not protect a person from exposure to cell phones signals, microwave radiation, or radio frequencies. What we know is that Earthing reduces significantly the induced body voltages generated by simple exposure to common household 50/60 Hz EMFs continuously emitted by all plugged-in electrical cords (even if the appliance is off), internal wiring, and all ungrounded electrical devices in the home or office. Based on the cases we have seen of people extremely sensitive to such EMFs it is prudent to be grounded as much as possible in the home or office. The research shows that Earthing keeps your metabolism – and your capacity for recuperation from injury – at maximum efficiency.
Is there danger from using Earthing mats or sheets in areas of high EMFs, and that the higher energy may run through our bodies to ground?
Just the opposite, Earthing instantly eliminates common 50/60 Hz EMFs induced on the body from electrical wiring and appliances. Refer to chapter 7 in the Earthing book, under the heading of Earthing Trumps EMFs. Also refer to Appendix B.
We receive many questions about using Earthing products around the world. To assist you, we have compiled some basic facts you will need to determine the best connecting options for you. Earthing products are designed to be used with an Earthing ground rod placed in the soil outside next to a window or door, or via a grounded wall outlet inside the home or office. Individual conditions in your home, office, and country may dictate which of these options you use to connect to the Earth.
The first thing you need to know is that Earthing products do not operate on electricity, so it does not matter what the electrical current is in your country (whether 110 volts or 240 volts, etc). Earthing products simply allow the natural, gentle energy from the Earth outside to be carried inside. When you make physical — bare skin — contact with the Earthing product it is the same as if you were standing or walking barefoot outside. This is what creates the benefits of Earthing.
Our preference is that the products throughout the world be connected to Earthing ground rods, however many people like the idea of simply plugging them into an electrical outlet ground port in their home or office. For people who live in tall apartment buildings (high rises), a ground rod may not be feasible, and for people who do not have a grounded electrical system in their home or office, the only option is the ground rod.
The following explanation covers two options for connecting Earthing products. The electrical terms “ground” and “Earth” have the same meaning. In Spanish, the term is “tierra,” and in French, “terre.”
Option # 1: Plug-In
There are many different outlet configurations around the world. Some are grounded (Earthed). Others are not. For this reason, if you want to plug into a wall outlet you will have to determine first whether your electrical system and outlets are indeed properly grounded. An electrician can determine that for you or you can purchase a simple outlet ground checker at an electrical supply or hardware store locally.
Outlets with only two holes and no Earth/ground strip or Earth/ground pin or hole means there is no Earth/ground present. You must use a ground rod. This is quite common in older homes. Keep in mind, however, that an outlet with three holes, or two holes and an Earth/ground strip or Earth/ground pin or hole, does not necessarily mean that the Earth/ground is actually connected. The individual outlet must be tested for correct wiring.
In the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, and parts of the Caribbean, the electrical systems in homes and offices that have been grounded utilize what is know as “Type B” electrical wall outlets. To determine what type of outlet is used in your country, go to the following web site: http://electricaloutlet.org/ The cords that come with Earthing products are designed to fit directly into the ground ports (third hole) of grounded Type B wall outlet or into the female receptor end of Earthing ground rod cords used anyplace in the world. The Earthing cords will not usually fit into international ground ports or contacts.
If your outlets are grounded, you will need to obtain a grounded outlet adapter for use with North American appliances in your country. Earthing products come with a 4.5meter long cord. One end snaps onto the product and the other (male) end inserts into the ground (Earth) port of the appropriate adapter that is then plugged into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Do not buy a universal adapter. Some universal adapters look like they have the Earth/ground connection but when tested they do not work. Others have loose intermittent connections that will minimize the benefits you expect from Earthing. If you do not have a grounded outlet, you will have to use a ground rod (Option # 2) or have an electrician connect your electrical outlet(s) to the Earth.
Option # 2
All Earthing products (mats,sheets, recovery bag, etc;) can come with an optional 300mm long ground rod.
The ground rods are inserted into the ground (soil, garden bed) outside/below a window or door adjacent to where the Earthing product will be used inside. It is very simple to do. If there is only concrete and no adjacent Earth in which to put the ground rod then this is not an option for you. The Earthing ground rod has a 13meter cord attached to it. You can run the cord under a window or door, just being careful not to sever the cord. The cord from the Earthing sheet or mat is connected to the ground rod cord, male end into the female end. Again, very simple. This is how to set up the ground rod.
The cords that come with each product can be connected to a grounded outlet (or outlet adapter, as described in Option # 1) or a ground rod. If additional length is needed, Earthing extension cords can also be purchased.
Available also are splitter cords, into which you can insert the cords from any two Earthing products. The splitter connects either to a wall outlet (or outlet adapter) or to the ground rod cord. All Earthing product connection cords contain a current limiting 100k ohm resistor.
No. Standard plastic/rubber or composite soles do not conduct the Earth’s electric energy. Most shoes today are made from those materials. You need leather or hide soles, which used to be the primary footwear materials in the past. Leather itself isn’t conductive, but the foot perspires and the moisture permits conduction of the energy from the Earth through the leather and up into the body. In addition, moisture from walking on damp ground or sidewalks could permeate up into the leather soled shoe. Thickness of the sole can also be a factor, and specifically that a very thick leather sole may not allow the moisture through. Moccasins are the best type of natural conductive footwear. Leather isn’t quite as good as bare feet on the ground but certainly much, much better than standard soles that are insulating. Shoe companies have started to make grounded footwear.
Although the use of magnets produce some therapeutic effects when properly applied, magnets cannot provide free electrons, nor can they connect the body with the naturally balancing electric frequencies of the Earth. Earthing technology used inside your home or office connects you with the Earth’s electrons in the same way as if you were standing barefoot on ground outside.
A brief “lesson” on the mineral content of water and connection to the Earth helps explain. Pure water, with no minerals or salts dissolved in it, is not a good conductor of electricity. Distilled water and pure snow are examples. When certain minerals, such as salt, are added to pure water, the water becomes conductive as a result of dissolution that breaks the salt into its components, electrically-positive sodium and negative chlorine. Ocean water is full of dissolved salts and minerals, and thus transports the Earth’s free electrons from the ocean bottom to your floating body, neutralizing the positive charges (free radicals) in the process.
Lakes and rivers contain less minerals and salts than the ocean in general but they are still good conductors of electricity. Whether you are standing on the lake or river bottom, or floating or swimming on the surface, you will be no doubt grounded.
Mineral hot springs are famous for their healing and relaxing effects. This is believed to be due to the mineral content of the water. However, since the water is conductive, there is one more benefit that is generally not recognized: the people in the hot springs are grounded. They receive the antioxidant power of the Earth’s electrons that sooth and quench inflammation.
Swimming pool? It is hard to say unless you have a salt water pool and the water is in contact with some metal part, like a drain pipe going into the ground. Normal tap water in a pool would be conductive, but whether you are grounded or not depends on whether the water has some contact with a metal fixture with connection into the ground.
In your home, bathtubs and showers involve tap water? Tap water contains minerals and salts and so is conductive. If you take a bath and it has a metal part in contact with the water and that metal part is also in contact with some metal pipe going down into the ground, you are grounded! The same is true with showers. If the water you use to shower comes from metal pipes in contact with the earth, the water you shower with is grounded and will ground you.
Does it help to walk, stand, or work barefoot on an uncovered floor inside of my house? What about a ceramic tile floor?
If your floor is wood or vinyl you will not be grounded. Those are not conductive materials. If your floor is unsealed concrete or stone built directly on the Earth, and without some kind of a plastic vapor/moisture barrier beneath it, it is very likely to be conductive and you would receive the Earth’s energy through the floor.
As far as a tile floor is concerned, it depends. Unsealed/unpainted tile directly attached to a concrete slab would likely permit grounding. Ceramic tile with a glazed finish on the surface will, like glass, probably prevent conductivity. If the tile sits on plywood or some other kind of wood, plastic, or vinyl understructure, you are not likely to get any conductivity. Conductivity will also be affected if petrochemical bonding material has been used to adhere the tile
My cement basement floor is cold, so I am reluctant to ground myself bare foot on that surface. Could I get grounded there by using an un-insulated metal container, filled with warm water and still get the same results?
Yes, but don’t use distilled water. Tap water contains minerals and will make the water conductive.
I live in a warm climate where we are reluctant to go out barefoot due to parasites in the soil like hookworm and roundworm. The soil never gets cold enough for the parasites to die off.
If being barefoot outside is risky, Earthing sheets and mats allow you to be grounded inside. The best opportunity to gain the many benefits of Earthing is to sleep grounded.
Most sleeping bags are made of insulating and synthetic materials. Some part of your body thus needs to be in direct contact with the Earth in order for you to get the full benefit of Earthing. The skin of your body needs to come in contact with the “skin of the Earth.” It can be a bare foot, or arm, for instance, sticking out of the sleeping bag in contact with the Earth.