Australia's Water Quality: Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

By on 18 June 2024
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Troubled Waters: Is Your Drinking Water Safe? Disturbing news has come to light regarding the quality of tap water in parts of New South Wales, the ACT, Queensland and Victoria. These regions have been found to have levels of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in their tap water. The World Health Organization classifies these man-made chemicals as likely carcinogenic, raising serious concerns about their presence in our drinking water. Further amplifying these concerns is the stark difference in regulations between Australia and the US. While the US has declared any level of PFOS and PFOA unsafe for consumption, Australia's current standards allow for PFOA levels a staggering 140 times higher. This discrepancy, coupled with the potential health risks, highlights the need for stricter regulations and a focus on ensuring safe drinking water for all Australians. Analysis by Sydney's news publishers; Nine News and SMH, ... continue reading
Help Healing with Red Light Therapy

By on 17 June 2024
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Heal Faster and Feel Better with Red Light Therapy Red light therapy (RLT) is beneficial for boosting your overall well-being. It goes beyond just treating skin concerns and offers a range of benefits that can improve your health and daily life. Red light therapy - also known as photobiomodulation (PBM) - is a non-invasive therapy that delivers the same wavelengths of red and near-infrared light as natural sunlight to your skin and to your cells, creating cellular energy boosts. Published medical studies have shown its positive effects on sleep, anti-aging, depression and anxiety, autoimmune conditions, recovery from exercise and much more. Red light therapy uses two types of light: red and near-infrared. Red light (visible): This has a shorter wavelength (600nm-800nm) and works on the surface of the skin. It helps with collagen production and skin repair. Near-inf... continue reading
Create a wellbeing retreat at home

By Barefoot Healing on 18 March 2024
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Welcome to your home retreat A Guide to Health and Wellness at Home This blog equips you with the knowledge to transform your home or workspace into a haven for relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. We'll explore various approaches to create a personalised wellness retreat within your own home. Glowing with Health: Red Light Therapy Embrace the power of red light therapy! This innovative treatment utilises specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular activity. Here's how you can incorporate it into your routine: Benefits: Reduced wrinkles, faster wound healing, hair growth stimulation, and pain relief. Choosi... continue reading
Balanced Living | Waveguard EMF Protection Q&A

By Barefoot Healing on 14 February 2024
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So, if we're already earthing to take in the natural electromagnetic frequencies that our earth provides, then we are giving our body the important natural EMFs which it needs for health and wellbeing. At the same time, we're recognising that our day-to day operations increasingly rely on technologies to help us communicate, travel and create comfort in our modern lives. These artificial tecnologies run 24/7 through our homes and communities which can be exposing us to more unnatural levels of EMF/EMR than our bodies are used to. What more can I do to balance my exposure to EMR in my environment? Smart use of technology to further reduce the EMR in our modern lives As future living includes widespread technology so too does... continue reading
Take Time Out for Nature

By Barefoot Healing on 24 March 2023
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Taking time out for nature is the theme of this year's Earth Hour campaign. Earth Hour famously started as a lights out event right here in Sydney, Australia in 2007. The initial grassroots movement saw Sydneysiders turn off their lights for an hour to encourage people to take action on climate change and spark conversations for ways to protect our planet. Since then, Earth Hour has grown to be a global movement with millions of supporters in more than 185 countries. Earth Hour 2023 will be held on Saturday March 25, and the theme of 'Time Out for Nature' encourages us to reflect on the incredible benefits that nature provides us. By spending more time in nature, we learn to appreciate not only the beauty of nature but the positive effects we can experience by being immersed within it. Modern society, the lure of devices and the increasing demands of work mean that we are more disconnected than ever before from our natural surr... continue reading
What You Are Deficient In - If You Are Not Earthing - Doctors Are Ignorant Of This!

By Linda on 6 October 2022
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After talking to quite a few people the last couple of weeks, it is apparent that we lead such busy lives these days and many of us just don’t get the time to go barefoot outside for a considerable amount of time and consistently. And I hear you – if it wasn’t for my indoor Earthing products I would be the same. When you get sick the first place you go to is the Doctor who will usually do blood tests and more, looking for answers. A lot of the time the tests come back with high levels of inflammation and you are given a name for your illness and more than likely placed on medication to ease the symptoms but really t... continue reading
You Can Sleep Your Way To Better Health

By Linda on 1 September 2022
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If you're sleeping grounded - congratulations on taking back control of your health and longevity, however, if you have yet to go down this path you need to read the article below. Research has shown that those who sleep badly were significantly more likely to suffer heart problems as well as the risk of a stroke. Earthing has been shown to help with sleep issues and many people report going into a deeper more restorative sleep. Sleeping grounded could be one of the best ways to ward off these health problems as we get older. This information is so important that it has been suggested that children learn about the life-saving benefits of enough sleep. We have many Earthing Sleep products that you can put on your bed to get a better night's sleep so that you can take the very best care of your health and wellness. Take a look here. ... continue reading
Ways To Be Earthed Better In Winter

By Linda on 16 June 2022
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With the colder weather, we have been getting a few questions about our Earthing Products and how they should be used due to extra layers of clothes and thicker sheets. So I have put together our top tips to help you get the very best from your Earthing Products this winter. Q: Can I use flannelette sheets over my Earthing Sleep Mat or Mattress Cover? A: I have done many tests on this with our Earthing Product Continuity Tester and have found that it takes quite a while for the electrons to flow through - up to an hour depending upon the thickness of the flannelette sheet and this is with bare sk... continue reading
The Minimalists Podcast With Clint Ober on Grounding

By Linda on 1 June 2022
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Watch Clint Ober talk all about grounding or Earthing the pain away on the Minimalists Podcast. A must for you, your family or friends who are suffering in pain. There is another way for pain relief without drugs. Clint shares the science on how Earthing can knock down inflammation which in turn can reduce or even eliminate pain. By knocking down inflammation on a regular basis the body can heal and repair how it is meant to and puts the immune system in a better state to... continue reading
Father's Day Earthing & Wellness Gift Ideas

By Linda on 18 August 2021
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When my dad was here on this Earth, when Father’s Day rolled around, I would struggle to know what to get him. I’d rack my brain, ask mum and even ask him and he would always tell me “don’t worry about it love” . But I wanted to show my dad that I loved having him around and this was just a token for the love and care he showed me over the years and surprise him with something he may have not thought to buy for himself.... continue reading
Winter FAQs and Earthing Products

By Linda on 22 July 2021
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Can I use flannelette sheets over my Earthing Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover? Can I wear PJ’s while using my Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover? Can I use an electric blanket with my Sleep Mats/Mattress cover? What happens if my hot water bottle leaks onto my Sleep Mat/Mattress cover? ... continue reading
The Importance of Staying Grounded In These Trying Times

By Linda on 3 July 2021
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The Importance Of Staying Grounded in These Trying Times & Our 7 Tips To Help Boost Your Immune System I would just like to remind you that Earthing is a very reliable, simple and powerful way to support and boost your health, including the immune system in these worrying times of the Covid viruses. It looks like Covid is here to stay in many forms and eventually we will all have to live with it as lockdowns cannot continue forever. Even with the vaccine, you can still catch the virus, so the best way to cope with Covid is to have a healthy immune system and good health and I really don’t know why we aren’t seeing ads on TV about this as well. ... continue reading