
Anti-Radiation Blanket For Kids

By on 11 October 2019 click here to comment

I’ve just had my grandson visit for two weeks over the school holidays and his favourite thing to do is to get up and watch reptile posts on youtube before breakfast. Being an informed and concerned grandparent about the dangers of electronic radiation I’m not a big fan of him doing this but this is 2019 and what young people do – it’s part of his life. Previously, I had given him a Radiation Reducing iPad Cover but it got broken quite early due to him and his sister’s tug of war with whose turn it was. My next attempt was with the Radiation Blocking Tray but if they got up or moved they conveniently would not bother to pick it up as they would be to rivetted in their program – mind you adults are all quite fine wit... continue reading

Bring Sexy Back with Earthing

By on 19 September 2019 click here to comment

Article reproduced from the with thanks. No studies have been done on Earthing and sexual wellness, but we can certainly suggest that Earthing’s effect on the entire physiology implies the potential for an improved sex life. Earthing boosts the way the body functions: a lessening of pain, due to a lessening of inflammation; uplifting of mood; a normalizing effect on the stress hormone cortisol; a calming effect on the nervous system; lessened depression, anxiety, and irritability; better blood flow, so all the organs, and all the extremities, are being better “fed;” improved energy. ... continue reading

Earthing The New Weight Loss Diet

By on 9 September 2019 click here to comment

Over the last couple of months, I’ve been lucky enough to attend a few health seminars presented by Doctors and Wellness Professionals and the two common biggest things that keep coming up in every talk that we need to address is improving the quality of your sleep and minimizing inflammation which is pivotal to good health. Now as well as being an Earthing specialists I am also a health coach and weight loss, especially in women is a challenging subject, however, apart from eating a good balanced diet – if you have inflammation and or are not getting a good night’s sleep it doesn’t matter how little you eat or what you eat, as the side effects of bad sleep and inflammation will keep you fat as it’s all related to cortisol and adrenalin – the stress hormones. &n... continue reading

Deepen Your Meditation With Earthing

By on 20 August 2019 click here to comment

"If you are among the many millions worldwide practising meditation to reduce stress, increase wellbeing, or expand spiritual growth, you will be interested to know that Earthing (grounding) can significantly improve the quality of one’s meditation. That’s the findings of an informal experiment conducted by Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., director of the Earthing Institute and research director of Psy-Tech Labs in Encinitas, California. Dr.Chevalier, an electrophysiologist, found that meditators often experienced a deeper level of meditation, and potentially greater benefits, while grounded for the major part of a nearly hour-long meditation session. ... continue reading

Earthing "Sticky" Mat

By on 12 August 2019 click here to comment

Our new Earthing "Sticky" Mat is more suited for the office and will adhere to your existing plastic carpet protector and can be used to Earth at your desk while at work. It can also be applied to the top of a desk or to many other surfaces at home or work. However, it can also be adhered to a mattress top and used under your sheet or directly on the carpet, timber and tiled floors. They measure approximately 46cm by 91cm and can also be cut to size. I wasn't too sure about these new mats at first so decided to put one on the plastic carpet protector that I had under my desk in place of my Universal Mat which was there. And I must say I'm really liking it as it's not moving about and it's wider than the Universal Mat. It adheres nicely to the carpet as well to keep it in place and it's quite easy to move if needed, although it is designed to stay put. T... continue reading

Earthing Travel Tips

By on 11 August 2019 click here to comment

It’s that time of year when many of us head overseas to enjoy a sun-soaked holiday and of course we want to be in the best health to relish every moment. But did you know that you’re 100 times more likely to catch a cold when you catch a flight to your holiday destination, especially if you’ve had poor sleep before and during your departure? A group of German scientists discovered that a decent night’s snooze can improve your immune function. In fact, sleep can make your cells more efficient at attacking invading germs – which is a good thing as there are plenty of them on board a plane, such as surfaces like food trays, armrests and air vents often covered in bacteria. Here are a few tips to keep you vibrant and enjoy those poolside cocktails sniffle free! ... continue reading

Erthe Straps - Ground Your Everyday Shoes

By on 27 June 2019 click here to comment

GROUND YOUR EVERY DAY SHOES Rubber soles on your joggers, school shoes, work shoes and everyday shoes block the flow of electricity dissipating from your body to the ground as well as prevent the movement of healing electrons from the earth to electrically balance your body which has been shown to reduce inflammation and speed the healing process. The wearing of shoes is part of our everyday lives in these modern times and most of us only get to experience being barefoot on the earth... continue reading

Three Items I Couldn't Travel Without

By on 23 May 2019 click here to comment

Recently I was lucky enough to travel to China on a family holiday, however, before we went I had heard that air pollution is pretty bad. This had me a little concerned due to my history of Asthma and allergies, even though I have not suffered from Asthma since I started Earthing around nine years ago. I always take an Earthing Product with me, such as my Earthing Half Sheet, Throw or an Earthing Universal Mat so that I can sleep grounded and eliminate jet lag, however, this time I thought I may need a little bit more protection from the smog. ... continue reading

How To Sleep Smarter While Earthing

By on 17 May 2019 click here to comment

S leeping Grounded has been shown to be very beneficial for deeper and more refreshing sleep, however, certain things may interrupt or interfere with the Earth' natural flowing energy and there are certain issues to be aware of or add to your daily routine to get the very best out of your Earthing products, such as your Earthing Mat or Sheet for the best night's sleep ever! When you have had a bad night’s sleep, you know you are going to feel wretched the next day and your brain is not going to function properly. Sleep plays a crucial role in your brain’s performance and can affect your thinking, memory and your learning and other areas in many ways. Bad sleep can impair alertness,... continue reading

My Propur Shower Filter Experience

By on 17 April 2019 click here to comment

We have had a shower filter on our shower head for many years and had purchased quite a few filters, so I had been waiting for them to run out before I installed the Propur Shower Filter . Our old filter took out Chlorine and Bacteria, etc., but not Fluoride, Glyphosate and over 200 other contaminants. I was quite happy with our old water filter as before we installed it I would come out in huge red blotches and get very itchy skin from the Chlorine, which I would then scratch and it would drive me crazy as I could get no relief until my skin calmed down. However, just recently, after installing the Propur Shower Filter the water quality and flow are amazing. It really does fe... continue reading

High Blood Pressure and Earthing

By on 1 April 2019 click here to comment

High Blood Pressure is serious and can lead to heart failure , vision loss, stroke , and kidney disease. In 2014-15, 23.0% of all ... continue reading

Mother's Plea for Sleep

By on 28 March 2019 click here to comment

"My son has an ASD diagnosis (autistic spectrum disorder). He has never slept through the night. Over the years we’ve tried things to improve his sleep and some did improve it but nothing kept him asleep all night. When he was 1 and 2 he would wake up at 2:30 am and that was it. No matter what we did, he was not going back to sleep. I sought help from ‘sleep experts’ who, upon hearing my story and watch me break into tears talking about the 3-hour nightmares of getting him to sleep and then the 2:30 wake ups and the fact that he only napped for an hour at the most during the day, told me it was "ME"! I was back working part-time and completely sleep deprived. My husband and I would take it in turns getting up at 2:30 but I’d usually do it because he had a full time... paid... job and we couldn’t risk losing his income. ... continue reading