Earthing Wearables

By on 22 February 2019
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Knee pain, joint pain, RSI of the wrist, long surgery recovery, cold and aching feet are all common problems and are usually fuelled by chronic inflammation. If you can knock down that inflammation on a daily basis the body has a natural ability to heal and repair itself and get you back to enjoying your life. Earthing has just released a new range of Wearables , that when connected will bring the earth’s healing energy (anti-inflammatories) directly to the point of injury with comfort and support. The great thing about these new wearables is that they can be left on all day and just reconnected when convenient to ground yourself again. ... continue reading
Sleep Mat Featured on National TV

By Linda on 7 February 2019
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What a great way to start 2019 as our Earthing Sleep Mat was chosen by Australia’s leading Sleep Expert, Elina Winnel , as one of the top products to help with sleep in a channel 9 interview. Click on the video below to watch Our revolutionary Earthing Sleep Mats are definitely support better sleep by bringing the body back to a balanced state as it would be in nature. ... continue reading
Naturally Beat Insomnia & Get Better Sleep

By Linda McNair on 4 December 2018
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Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Are you restless? Are you waking up without the energy you need to meet the day? You’re not alone. Nearly 60 million Americans struggle with insomnia and sleeping disorders. And according to the 2016 Sleep Health Survey of Australian Adults , 33-45% of Australian adults have inadequate sleep. Sleep is increasingly recognized as a public health issue, with sleep insufficiency linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, occupational errors, and a greater likelihood to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity, and reduced quality of life and productivity.... continue reading
New Earthing Book - Barefoot Wisdom

By on 16 November 2018
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Great news! We have a new Earthing book "Barefoot Wisdom" that's an easy read for anyone new to Earthing. This book absolutely nails what Earthing is all about, so everyone can understand the principles behind earthing and grounding. The information is clear, uplifting and healing and shows just how simple and amazing it can be to use the Earth as the ultimate healer. It's full of real-life experiences and remarkable individual case studies. The book has been passionately written by Sharon Whitely, who is the founder of our loved Pluggz Grounding Shoes, and Dr Ann Marie Chiasson, who is a practising integrative and energy medicine physician and author of Energy Healing. This book would make an absolutely great gift this year - think teachers, students, work colleague... continue reading
Propur Water Systems - Removes Cancer Causing Glyphosate Easily!

By on 24 October 2018
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Roundup – found to cause cancer – And It’s In Your Aussie Town Water – This Is How To Get It Out! Judge finds Roundup Weed Killer Caused Cancer – Is the headline and latest news surrounding Monsanto and Bayer for unsafely distributing Glyphosate also known as Roundup weed killer and hiding the dangers of the herbicide. Roundup has allegedly been associated with cancer, birth defects, skin diseases, respiratory illnesses and neurological diseases. You may think that this is miles away from Australia, however, here in Australia there are around 500 products containing glyphosate registered for use including Roundup, the most commonly used weed killer used by farmers, local councils, and gardeners. Not only are you exposed to this probable car... continue reading
New Easy Care Earthing Sleep Mats

By on 24 May 2018
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Sleeping grounded just got a whole lot easier with our new leatherette Earthing Sleep Mats. Earthing the body has been shown, through research, to reduce inflammation, pain, stress and generates greater wellbeing while promoting a deeper and more refreshing sleep. Our new Earthing Sleep Mats come in two sizes, single and full, and both are designed to place under any fitted bed sheet. The Sleep Mat is made of soft, hole-punched, 100% eco-friendly conductive carbon leatherette that feels great against the skin, is breathable and almost unnoticeable under your fitted sheet. ... continue reading
Universal Mat February Special

By Linda on 1 February 2018
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We have a great February Special for you because as one of our customer’s told us, “every house in Australia should have one!” She was talking about our Universal Earthing Mats and I couldn’t agree more! If you really want to get the maximum from Earthing have these mats set up all around your home and office, at all your kid’s electronic stations, in the lounge room and anywhere else you sit, relax or stand for more than 30 minutes. Our Earthing Mats are like bringing a piece of the Earth inside to ground when it suits you – rain, hail or shine! The Earthing Universal Mat would have to be one of the easiest item to incorporate into your daily life and get so many benefits like knocking down inflammation. Just set up where you nor... continue reading
Is Fluoride Building Up In Your Bones?

By on 21 November 2017
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I don’t know about you but I don’t like the idea of having fluoride added to my water supply . I would prefer to drink my water as pure as possible, however, most water in Australia has chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals added. According to a report, from the USA National Institute of Health , fluoride accumulates in our bones contributing to bone problems. Around 50% of the fluoride is eliminated and 50% stored in in our bones. So while you may think this is not relevant enough to worry about, over the years all those sips and swigs add up to a considerable amount of stored fluoride. And from another report, from Nuclear Medicine Communication , fluoride has also been shown to accumulate in our cardiovascular system as well. Now it’s virtually impossible to eliminate your fluoride exposure compl... continue reading
Why Do I need Earthing When I'm Already Healthy

By Linda on 16 November 2017
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I'm passionate about spreading the word of Earthing and of course I usually attract a lot of healthy people or health groups, however, sometimes these people maybe the hardest to convince that Earthing would be a good addition to their daily routine. Does this sound like you? You see, these people are already in good shape and maybe eating raw, organic,or plant based diets, follow a good exercise routine and are happy with their outcomes. However, I was interested to read a blog post from a yoga teacher, Ashlie Flood, who also thought she didn't really need to incorporate Earthing into her life daily. Ashlie was content to know that she did make barefoot contact with the Earth about once a week for around an hour and thought that was good enough to benefit her body. However, after receiving indoor ... continue reading
Can Earthing Benefit Individuals with PTSD?

By on 9 November 2017
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Story with compliments from The Earthing Institute Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many individuals after episodes of shocking, scary, or dangerous events, such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, major accidents, sexual assaults, and a sudden, unexpected death of a loved one. Chronic symptoms vary, and include depression, anger and being on edge, insomnia, loss of interest in normal activities and routines, difficulty concentrating, and recurrent flashbacks of the trauma. PTSD may trigger substance abuse and suicide. PTSD has gained considerable notoriety due to its association with... continue reading
Our Pets Need Earthing Too!

By Linda on 12 October 2017
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There aren’t too many people who don’t love pets and dogs and cats are a favourite for many families. Due to our busy lifestyles and the high cost of housing these days our backyards are getting smaller and apartment living has become popular but we still want to have the love that pets can give us, however, this can sometimes mean they may spend more time indoors or even no time outdoors these days. Did you know that our pets can suffer the same illnesses as humans if they do not make regular contact with the Earth. Your beloved pets need Earthing too! Many years before I knew about Earthing I had a beautiful little doggy called “Gizmo”, he was a real character and was loved dea... continue reading
Why Horse Riding Feels So Good: It's all about the "Earth"

By on 14 September 2017
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With Thanks - Article sourced from - ... continue reading