Bring Sexy Back with Earthing

Article reproduced from the with thanks.
No studies have been done on Earthing and sexual wellness, but we can certainly suggest that Earthing’s effect on the entire physiology implies the potential for an improved sex life.
Earthing boosts the way the body functions: a lessening of pain, due to a lessening of inflammation; uplifting of mood; a normalizing effect on the stress hormone cortisol; a calming effect on the nervous system; lessened depression, anxiety, and irritability; better blood flow, so all the organs, and all the extremities, are being better “fed;” improved energy.
Stress is obviously a big factor here.
According to Shawn Talbott, Ph.D., author of The Cortisol Connection: Why Stress Makes You Fat and Ruins Your Health — And What You Can Do About It: “You don’t need to read a book about the relationship between stress and disease to know that when we’re stressed out, we also have problems in the intimacy department. For starters, menstrual cycles get all out of whack, erections are more difficult to achieve and maintain, and overall libido (sex drive) plummets. Stress simply makes us lose interest in sex. In males, this is due primarily to a dramatic fall in testosterone levels during stressful times. In females, the stress-induced loss of sex drive is a bit more complicated, involving disruption in levels not only of testosterone but also of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin.”
All the factors mentioned above represent effects that theoretically could contribute to improved sexual health, just as they contribute to overall health. People feel better with more energy. And when they feel better, they are more likely to be in a mood for sex.
We have seen comments like these from both men and women over the years:
“I am a 42 year-old male, healthy, eat right (fish, vegs, whole grains, legumes, very limited meat) and always exercised. Despite that, I had erectile dysfunction on and off for years through my 30s. Tai qi and yoga helped but if I didn’t do it for a day, ED was back. A chronic problem of sluggish response and maintaining arousal. After adding grounded sleep to my regimen in just a couple of weeks the problem was completely solved. It also reduces water retention, muscle soreness and inflammation.” |
From a male doctor, 56: “I immediately noticed I was waking up with erections on a consistent basis. I knew from that alone that something was working. Probably wasn’t happening for past 10-20 years and until I started sleeping grounded. Along with this, it feels like my sleep is somehow of a deeper quality.” |
From a 61-year-old male:” My ability to have and hold an erection is much better. I was getting a little low in that department but not anymore.” |
From a male: “I’m now confident that I haven’t been imagining things when I notice how sex is so much more energizing and fulfilling when some part of at least one participant’s body is earthed.” |
From a wife: “I noticed an energy change almost immediately and much fewer aches and pains in the a.m. My husband is sleeping much better having been plagued with horrible insomnia for years and after trying just about everything. Instantly our love life improved.” |
From a female doctor: “Most patients tell me their sleep is deeper and they don’t awaken during the night. I have also been told their libido has increased.” |
From a wife: “My husband and I have been sleeping grounded for about two months. Has anyone mentioned the great orgasms when having sex grounded? We have both experienced that great extra benefit. We also sleep better with fewer aches and pains.” |
From a male on Facebook in 2019: “I have read in the Earthing book that some men reported a difference in erection and I can attest to it. It seems a joke, but after two or three weeks of sleeping grounded it is bigger and lasts more. I sleep grounded and ground also while working. “
In response to his Facebook posting, three men commented:
— “I too have experienced the same results of erection.”
— ” It works!!”
— “Same here. Welcome to the happy club.”
And four women also commented:
— “In all openness, I’ve experienced the female version. For the first time in my life I’ve had orgasms in my sleep, the increased blood flow I’m sure is the reason. The first time it happened I was really confused lol. They were NOT erotic dreams either.”
— “I experienced more intensity and pleasure!”
— “I am at an age where most women complain about a lack of libido due to hormonal variations associated with menopause. My husband and I have a grounded bed….No libido problems this summer! I am 51 years old. We are convinced that grounding has something to do with our sexual health.”
— “Ditto.”
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