Deepen Your Meditation With Earthing

An interesting article from the Earthing Institute on an informal study on the effects Earthing has on meditation. Earthing was shown to deepen the experience. Please read the full report below.
"If you are among the many millions worldwide practising meditation to reduce stress, increase wellbeing, or expand spiritual growth, you will be interested to know that Earthing (grounding) can significantly improve the quality of one’s meditation.
That’s the findings of an informal experiment conducted by Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., director of the Earthing Institute and research director of Psy-Tech Labs in Encinitas, California.
Dr.Chevalier, an electrophysiologist, found that meditators often experienced a deeper level of meditation, and potentially greater benefits, while grounded for the major part of a nearly hour-long meditation session.
Many health benefits have been attributed to grounding (see, but his experiment is the first time that Earthing effects have been monitored during meditation.
The study subjects were randomly chosen meditators practising various techniques at least a year, some of them for decades. In an office setting, they were instructed to sit in a comfortable recliner chair equipped with grounding connections. An electrophysiological brain mapping helmet, used in research to monitor brain function and coherence, was placed on their head.
The practitioners started meditating ungrounded for 15 minutes, then was grounded for 40 minutes, and lastly ungrounded again for a final 10 minutes. They did not know when they were to be grounded or ungrounded.
Main results of the experiment among five participants were as follows:
● A significantly increased relaxed attentiveness during grounding with calm control of feelings and emotions, a low level of mental activity, and a greater sense of spiritual awareness, all signs of deep meditation.
● Disappearance during grounding of a slight tendency toward ADHD present among two participants prior to grounding. After grounding, this tendency reappeared.
● After grounding, brain waves reflecting a significantly calmer, peaceful alertness carried over for about 10 minutes for two participants.
As described by the meditators themselves, and documented by brain mapping measurements, the participants experienced a deeper level and higher quality of meditation when grounded compared to when not grounded. One woman said previous pain in her hip disappeared.
The findings by Dr, Chevalier resonate with earlier studies indicating that grounding has a significant calming effect on the nervous system, including brain activity.
In traditional Eastern meditation throughout the centuries, many practitioners would have been grounded during their meditations while sitting on the ground or animal skins allowing transference of the Earth’s grounding energy. From this standpoint, meditation and grounding is truly a timeless, tandem concept. For today’s increasing number of practitioners, meditating indoors can be readily enhanced by using a variety of grounding products such as patches, mats, or portable conductive meditation chairs and backrests.
Psy-Tek Labs is an independent research facility. Grounding equipment was provided by".
With Thanks - Story from the Earthing Institute.
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