Earthing Pillow Cases and Flat Sheet Review

By Linda on 29 November 2013 (1) Comments

My Personal Experience with the Pillow Cases
and Flat Sheets:

Well over the past 4 weeks I have been sleeping totally Earthed top to toe with the fitted bottom sheet, the flat top sheet and the pillow cases. – all parts of my  body and head have been receiving the benefits of the Earth’s Energy…..  So do I think there is a benefit from increasing the amount of “Earth” bedding one sleeps with or is one sheet sufficient?  This is one of those questions where one answers does not fit all situations, however, saying that I have enjoyed the feeling of being fully draped by the Earth as I have slept.  You can read my observations and story below.
During this time my dear father passed away, we are an extremely close knit family and it has been a very emotional and tough time losing him and some nights during my trial period I had nights where I woke several times with anxious feelings and couldn’t get back to sleep for some time – this is very unusual for me as normally I go into a beautiful deep sleep.  My immediate thought was   “what’s happened to my Earthing sheet – it’s not working!”.  I should be sleeping twice as good with all this extra Earthing on me!   Of course I tested the sheet and everything was OK.
Sometimes when you are stressed it’s not obvious to you and a dear friend of mine pointed out that I was going through very intense stressful moments in my life and it takes time to get over.  This led me to think that maybe I was expecting too much from the benefits of Earthing .  While it’s true Earthing definitely helps with everyday stresses, such as work, money, kids, family, etc., things like a death, loss of a partner or job, being financially ruined and so forth are much bigger tolls on the body and nervous system and this can greatly imbalance our cortisol levels.  Earthing helped my body cope better with this trauma under the circumstances, however, this is a good time to point out that it certainly is not a miracle cure.

So in looking back over the last month I can definitely say that I have come out of this time relatively mildly – I only had a few restless nights and the sleep that I did get was certainly deep and I could carry on productively the next day.  So for me at this time in my life, I feel having the extra Earthing certainly helped my nervous system cope with this extra load and that’s what Earthing is basically all about assisting the body to cope with what is thrown at us on a daily basis such as stress, pollutions, chemicals, pesticides, artificial electronic pollution.

The Pillow Case:  Personally I feel that the stress has not shown up in my face as much and have been quite surprised at my physical facial appearance as to how I felt inside at times and this could possibly be due to my head and face being directly on the Earthing pillow case . My skin is certainly looking good…So this could be a relatively easy way to having a more vibrant looking appearance.  The pillow case has been comfortable to sleep on as well, even though it is attached with a coil cord this has not gotten in the way. 

The Flat Top Sheet:  As for the top sheet – I love it!  I have always enjoyed sleeping in the Recovery Bag, however, the bonus with having the top sheet is that you can easily flick it off or kick your legs out if you get a bit hot during the night but still be touching it……ladies going through menopause will know what I am talking about and I definitely love snuggling up with the sheet wrapped around my body on those cooler nights.
As well as acting like a recovery bag for couples and giving you maximum earthing it may be a better alternative for heavy sweaters as they will have it over them instead of laying directly on it.

Drawbacks:  My only concern is for us women – we like to put oils on our face and hair before we go to bed and this could affect the silver in the pillowcase over time so you will have to be prepared that you may not get as much life out of it as your partner – who may not use any oils on the face….the good news is that both sides are conductive and if you are diligent in washing the pillow slip every week in warm water the oils should be dissolved.

I usually put creams and oils on my face about 30 minutes before I go to bed then read for a bit before I actually put my face on the pillow and by that time most of the cream is well and truly absorbed but to be on the safe side I wipe a washer or tissue over my face to blot up any excess.  I have only washed my pillow case once in the month and have been testing it regularly to make sure it is still conductive all over….so far so good… I’ll update on this in another 6 months to see how it is going.
It is not the most attractive of bed linen, however, the health benefits certainly outweigh this minor visual inconvenience.    The thread count is 300 so if you are used to your 1000 count sheets you may be better sticking with the half sheets or bottom fitted sheet.  I personally have no problems with the 300 count and find it comfortable to sleep on and over the top of me.
Is More Better Then
When it comes to Earthing the body any Earthing is better than no Earthing at all and as soon as you are touching a sheet or pillow case that is connected to the Earth you are Earthed and receiving the benefits and allowing your body to cope better with every day stresses that are constantly bombarding it.    To cover yourself with extra Earthing is a bit like using the body bands and patches but in a bigger way and direct Earthing to all parts of your body top to bottom for maximum benefits and this could be useful for bodies that suffer from a lot of pain and inflammation, under large amounts of stress, as well as people that suffer with headaches, pain related to the ears, eyes, throat, jaws, teeth, etc., as well as facial skin problems or for people that just want to feel as if they are sleeping wrapped in mother nature’s arms.

My Conclusion:
Earth the body whichever way is more suitable, most comfortable and affordable for you – and do it everyday for the rest of your life – just like eating!


We Love Your Comments (1)

By on 30 November 2013

Good results with Half sheet

I have been using the Half sheet across the bottom of my bed now for two weeks. I work in an Aged Care facility and endure a lot of stress on my body, especially my back, in my line of work. Since using the sheet I now sleep better and wake up without the ongoing pain I have been experiencing on a daily basis. I am now spreading the word to my colleagues and have decided to order the top sheet as well. I am really happy with the results I have received.

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