Simple and Easy Way To Reduce Your Mobile Phone Radiation
How many times have you ended up with your mobile phone against your ear for longer than you anticipated? You feel anxious knowing you shouldn’t have it there but it’s not appropriate for you to put the call on hands free. It probably happens to many of you more times than you like to acknowledge and too much exposure may be detrimental to your health. Mobile phone manufacturers recommend we don’t hold our mobiles close to our bodies and the World Health Organisations confirms mobile phones are “possibly carcinogenic” and did you know that children absorb radiation twice as much as adults. So it makes sense to have some sort of protection, right.
There is a simple and easy solution – all you need to do is stick a Lif3 Smartchip, which is made by Cellsafe, on the back of your mobile phone and if you are caught out, having to put your phone to your ear or just like talking this way, you don’t have to feel concerned that you could be potentially giving yourself a brain tumour or the likes. It’s ultra-thin and allows you to keep your favourite phone covers or change whenever you want– especially good for all those young girls who love their bling covers and refuse to use any other sort of radiation protection.
How does it work, well to put it simply this ultra-thin sticker includes both microwave-absorbing material and radio frequency coupler technology. The former absorbs radiation from the antenna of your smartphone, while the latter disperses that radiation through the back of the phone and away from your head or body.
According to Cellsafe, it is the only mobile radiation reduction product in Australia that has been scientifically proven to reduce your exposure to smartphone electromagnetic fields by up to 95% and has been tested and approved in Australia by NATA accredited laboratories. And unlike other products on the market the Smartchip has been shown to have virtually no impact on your mobile phone signal transmission.
All you need to do now is choose the right Lif3 Smartchip for your phone and simply peel and stick to the back of your mobile phone. The chip will last as long as your phone does.