Faking It - Are You One Of These People?

By Linda on 12 September 2014 (No comments - click here to comment)

I just watched an article on a Current Affair, maybe you watched it too, reporting how the medical profession in Australia is refusing to recognise Lyme’s Disease and how the Doctors are actually telling their suffering patients that “it all in their mind” or they’re faking it – can you believe it!

Did you know that Earthing can help with the inflammation that Lyme’s disease inflicts on its sufferers.

If you think you may be suffering from Lyme’s and not going mad maybe you should think about a re-assessment.  According to the article a top Australian Doctor has identified a “Lyme Like Disease”.

One identifier of being bit is a bullseye type rash on the skin and if you can get treatment early you stand a good chance of recovery.

Apparently the Australian Women’s Weekly resident Doctor Karen Phelps will be doing a feature article on Lyme’s Disease this month’ addition so it may be worthwhile checking that out if you feel that maybe you or someone you know could be suffering from Lymes.

Click here if you would like to read an article on Lymes Disease and how Earthing can help

There is also helpful information in the new 2nd edition Earthing book on pages 185 – 188.

Click on Picture to Watch video story from A Current Affair


Look out for a Bullseye Rash 




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