How To Sleep Smarter While Earthing

Sleeping Grounded has been shown to be very beneficial for deeper and more refreshing sleep, however, certain things may interrupt or interfere with the Earth' natural flowing energy for you to be aware of and get the best sleep ever!
Sleeping Grounded has been shown to be very beneficial for deeper and more refreshing sleep, however, certain things may interrupt or interfere with the Earth' natural flowing energy and there are certain issues to be aware of or add to your daily routine to get the very best out of your Earthing products, such as your Earthing Mat or Sheet for the best night's sleep ever!
When you have had a bad night’s sleep, you know you are going to feel wretched the next day and your brain is not going to function properly. Sleep plays a crucial role in your brain’s performance and can affect your thinking, memory and your learning and other areas in many ways. Bad sleep can impair alertness, concentration, reasoning, problem-solving and makes it more difficult to learn effectively.
It can also interfere with the various sleep night cycles that play an important role in consolidating significant memories in your mind. Without enough sleep, you won’t be able to remember what you learnt and experienced during the day.
So you can see how important it is to strive to get good sleep most nights.
Sleeping grounded/Earthed has been shown to promote deeper and more restful sleep by resynchronizing cortisol secretion more in alignment with its natural normal rhythm which is around highest at 8.00 am and lowest at midnight and has also shown to increase melatonin known as the “sleep hormone” as it regulates sleep and other biological rhythms. Sleeping grounded, with indoor Earthing products, has been shown to improves sleep, reduce pain and stress.
As I have always mentioned, Earthing is not a miracle cure and can’t be looked at as a magic sleeping pill or stand-alone fix but should be incorporated into your lifestyle as the foundation of good health and built upon with supporting materials and routines.
So here are a few tips that will help you SLEEP SMARTER while you are sleeping Grounded, that you may not have considered:-
1. Go for a Walk In The Morning. A study of exercise found that timing is important and a morning walk or exercise outside, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, has been shown to help with deeper and longer sleep. At to add even more benefit, if you can, go barefoot. The production and secretion of melatonin are powerfully affected by light exposure. Sunlight provides the natural spectrum of light that we need to help coordinate the cycle of melatonin production.
2. Eat for Sleep. Melatonin and the Pineal Gland have always been associated with sleep, however, new science is showing that Melatonin is also in your gut and is 400 times more than in your brain. Certain bacteria in your gut communicates with cells that are responsible for creating sleep-related hormones and neurotransmitters so the environment in your gut matters a lot and the food you put in there determines what’s happening you’re your microbiome. Don’t put things in your body that don’t support your microbiome like avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, chlorinated water, processed foods, too much alcohol, etc., and try to increase gut loving foods.
3. Add-In Good Sleep Nutrients.
Vitamin C – a study has shown that individuals deficient in Vitamin C are much more likely to have interrupted sleep and are people who tend to wake up more frequently during the night. So this may be something to look at – of course, try and get your vitamin C from food first or a natural food supplement before taking supplements.
Magnesium – is responsible for around 325 biochemical processes and many involve sleep and recovery and it is also the number one mineral deficiency in our world today. As most of us live in a stressed state it gets zapped from your system and we need a lot of it. Try foods first such as green leafy vegetables, avocados, fruits – especially bananas, nuts, seeds, salmon, legumes and dark chocolate just to name a few. Topical magnesium is great to use and of course, you can supplement. A little trick to know if you are overdoing it with a magnesium supplement is you will get Diarrhea, so cut back.
4. Learn to Meditate.
Meditation can sound a bit out there and not for you, however, it worth considering as studies have shown that it can be equally effective as some of the best sleep medications – and it’s free without any nasty side effects. Having a meditation practice each day, especially in the morning, has been shown to help you sleep better at night. I love this analogy I heard to explain what mediation can do. At night your brain may be on high gear after a busy day and you need it to shut down – it’s like we have a lot of windows open on the computer of our mind at that’s what we need during the day but at night we want to be able to minimise all those tabs and just keep the sleep tab open and that’s what mediation allows. There are many ways to learn simple meditation from apps on your phone, YouTube to guided classes – even 5 minutes is beneficial. Here’s a couple of meditations you can try before bed. Better Sleep through meditation.
5. Have a Caffeine Curfew.
Caffeine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Set a time, around 4 pm and stick to it. If you are really sensitive to caffeine you may need to make your curfew earlier or avoid altogether. Check your teas as well.
6. Your Bedroom Environment. Create a sleep sanctuary so your brain creates a connection. Take entertainment stuff out of the bedroom as it should be for sleep and intimacy only. Do not have your devices in your bedroom and make sure you are off them at least one hour before your bedtime. Pay attention to artificial lights as even the smallest light can disrupt your sleep patterns. Get yourself some heavy curtains so that the street lights or car lights are not shining through. Sleep experts suggest that your room should be so dark that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. Cover any small lights on anything you may have plugged in, especially green light. Our body is not designed to handle unnatural light, however, it has no problem with natural light such as the moonlight or stars.
7. Get To Bed At The Right Time. It has been shown to get to bed at a similar time each night, including weekends. We get the most significant hormonal secretions and recovery by sleeping during the hours of 10 pm and 2 am. We are naturally designed to get tired and then go to sleep when it gets dark. So it may be time to take action and re-adjust.
Ironically, one of the best things you can do to improve your sleep is to get up early. This goes back to the fact that humans have had certain patterns of sleep and wakefulness that we’ve only (within the last hundred years) found a way to override.
8. Avoid The Screen. This is a big one and likely to improve your sleep immediately. The artificial “blue” light emitted by electronic screens trigger your body to produce more daytime hormones (like cortisol) and confuse your body’s natural preparation for sleep. Turn off all screens a full one hour before bedtime. Circumstances sometimes arise where you have to use your computer later than you want so this is where a blue light blocker can help. You can pick up free applications for your computers, iPads and smartphones.
9. Be Cool. Thermoregulation strongly influences your body’s sleep cycles. When it’s time to rest, there is an automatic drop in your core body temperature to help initiate sleep. If the temperature in your sleep environment stays too high, then it may be a challenge for your body to get into the ideal state for a restful sleep. Studies have shown that the ideal room temperature for sleep is around 20 degrees Celsius. Anything above 24 or below 12 may cause some difficulty.
10. Limit Alcohol.
Drinking alcohol later in the evening does, in fact, help you fall asleep faster, however, the bad news is that REM sleep is significantly disrupted by alcohol being in your system. You won’t be able to fall into deeper levels of sleep, and your brain and body won’t be able to fully rejuvenate. This is why people generally don’t feel that great after waking up from an alcohol-laced sleep.
So there you go, add these tips to your routine of sleeping grounded and it should be Sweet Dreams all round.
If you want to find out the best Earthing products for sleeping grounded please take a look by clicking here.