Mother's Plea for Sleep

A Mother's plea for sleep after 6 long years struggling with her Autistic son and what happened when she put an Earthing Sleep Mat on his bed.
"My son has an ASD diagnosis (autistic spectrum disorder). He has never slept through the night. Over the years we’ve tried things to improve his sleep and some did improve it but nothing kept him asleep all night. When he was 1 and 2 he would wake up at 2:30 am and that was it. No matter what we did, he was not going back to sleep. I sought help from ‘sleep experts’ who, upon hearing my story and watch me break into tears talking about the 3-hour nightmares of getting him to sleep and then the 2:30 wake ups and the fact that he only napped for an hour at the most during the day, told me it was "ME"!
I was back working part-time and completely sleep deprived. My husband and I would take it in turns getting up at 2:30 but I’d usually do it because he had a full time... paid... job and we couldn’t risk losing his income.
When my second son came along I was terrified about his sleep and begged his community nurse to help me train him to sleep better than his brother. She was wonderful. But she suggested we give our eldest son iron to see if that helped. We started seeing a difference within a week. He would still wake up during the night but we could now get him back to sleep. Steps like that have given us hope. We didn’t care when he started making his way to our room and would just get in our bed and go back to sleep. However, when his brother also started doing it and they were now getting big (6&4 years old) our bed was starting to get very small. My husband or I were inevitably falling out of the bed each night and waking up with horrid back pain from the various positions we’d had to endure to fit so the boys would sleep. We’d tried everything to train them to sleep in their beds and we’d go through months of no sleep, returning them to their beds and getting them asleep. We’d sleep on their floor. It was terrible and within a week or 2 of us loosening the reins, they’d be back in our bed.
My mother’s friend had spoken to her about how getting one of your Earthing products as it had changed her life. She’d been having to wear gloves because her skin was so weak her hands would end up bloody from everyday tasks. She’d read some of your Earthing books and done some research online before purchasing her Earthing products and had noted that people had seen a difference with people with Autism. So when she’d experienced great results and no longer had to wear gloves and saw other amazing changes in her life, she spoke to my mother about getting me to look into it for my eldest son.
Amazingly for the first time in 6 years, he is now sleeping through the night. He is, in fact, usually the last to wake up in our house. He’s not waking during the night at all, he’s not coming into us. He’s not having his night terrors!
This Earthing Sleep Mat has changed his life and ours. We no longer are prepared to accept that sleepless nights are just what we have to endure.
Today, I’ve been in my youngest sons bed since 4:55 am this morning. Unable to sleep for his tossing and turning. We’ve already returned him to his bed twice before I joined him in his. We’ve just ordered him an Earthing Sleep Mat as well and I’m counting down the days till it arrives!
Thank you for your guidance, Linda, on what Earthing product to buy to help our son, and thanks for changing our lives. We only hope our other son, will experience the same success when we put one the Sleep Mat on his bed!!!
Cheers Susanna "