The Minimalists Podcast With Clint Ober on Grounding

Watch this life-changing interview with Clint Ober and how he explains how Earthing or Grounding can take your pain away. A must for you, your family or friends who may be suffering from pain. There is another way and it's right under your feet! Watch this life-changing interview with Clint Ober and how he explains how Earthing or Grounding can take your pain away. A must for you, your family or friends who may be suffering from pain. There is another way and it's right under your feet!

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Watch Clint Ober talk all about grounding or Earthing the pain away on the Minimalists Podcast.   A must for you, your family or friends who are suffering in pain.  There is another way for pain relief without drugs.  Clint shares the science on how Earthing can knock down inflammation which in turn can reduce or even eliminate pain.  By knocking down inflammation on a regular basis the body can heal and repair how it is meant to and puts the immune system in a better state to deal with pathogens.  
If you're looking for the Earthing Sleep products or an earthing mat that Clint talks about, we have them right here for you.  So you can sleep grounded and work grounded.


Earthing Pillow Cover
Earthing Sleep Mat
Earthing Mattress Cover
Earthing Universal Mat
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