Winter FAQs and Earthing Products

With the colder weather now here we have been getting lots of questions about what sort of sheets to use, what to wear and can you use an electric blanket with your Earthing Sleep Mat/Mattress Cover. So we have answered all those questions here for you.
- Can I use flannelette sheets over my Earthing Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover?
- Can I wear PJ’s while using my Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover?
- Can I use an electric blanket with my Sleep Mats/Mattress cover?
- What happens if my hot water bottle leaks onto my Sleep Mat/Mattress cover?
- Can I wear socks with the Universal Mat and while using the Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover?
Can I Use Flannelette Sheets Over My Earthing Sleep Mat/Mattress Cover?
If you are using flannelette sheets with your Earthing Sleep Mat/Mattress cover you may find that it takes some time for the electrons to flow through to you due to the thickness of the sheet. You should also make sure your sheet is a good percentage of cotton or bamboo and not polyester, etc.
If using the flannelette sheet you need to minimize what you wear to bed so that you are not adding on extra layers as this will take longer for the electrons to flow through to your body. You can always test how long this takes with our Product Tester.
Some solutions I’ve found:
- Use a thinner cotton sheet over the Sleep Mat/Mattress cover and your flannelette for the top sheet and pillowcases which will still give you that cosy warm feeling.
- Try wearing minimal clothing on the bottom half of your body – such as wear a warm PJ top for arms that are exposed and boxer shorts for the bottom half -this way you are getting a lot of bare skin touching your sheet and making contact with the Sleep Mat/Mattress cover.
- If your feet get cold, wear a pair of earth Wool and Silver socks which will help connect you quickly to the Sleep Mat/Mattress cover due to the silver in them.
Can I Wear PJ’s while using My Earthing Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover?
If you love or need to wear lots of clothes to bed it may be best to sleep directly on the Sleep Mat/Mattress cover itself as you will only have one layer of clothes for the electrons to flow through and it will be a quicker connection.
As mentioned above, wear something warm on the top half of your body and minimal on the bottom half.
Get a warmer Dooner cover so you can wear minimal clothing while sleeping on your sheet over your Sleep Mat/Mattress cover to keep you snuggly warm.
Can I use an electric blanket with my Sleep Mats/Mattress cover?
You can use an electric blanket under your Sleep Mat/Mattress, however, it is recommended only to use it to heat your bed and then turn it off while sleeping. Sleeping with an electric blanket on will dehydrate you and may leave you feeling lethargic.
What happens if my hot water bottle leaks onto my Sleep Mat/Mattress cover?
If for some reason your hot water bottle leaks onto your Sleep Mat/Mattress just simply wipe with a towel and let air dry before replacing your clean sheets.
Can I wear socks with the Earthing Universal Mat and while using the Sleep Mats/Mattress Cover?
You can wear socks with your Universal Mat as feet naturally sweat and will hydrate the socks, which will allow the electrons to flow through to your feet from the mat.
It is best to select natural fibres such as cotton and bamboo and a thinner sock. You can wear thicker socks but it may take longer for the electrons to flow through.
If you wear our Merino Wool and Silver Socks on the Universal Mat the electron flow will be much quicker due to the silver connection. Silver being a good conductor.
If you wish to wear socks while sleeping on the Sleep Mat/Mattress Cover, which is covered by your fitted sheet, we would suggest that you wear our Merino Wool and Silver Socks as the silver will make a very quick connection with the Sleep Mat/Mattress
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